MultiSUITE News MultiSTEEL News MultiREBAR News

MultiSUITE shipping on AutoCAD® 2025

We are pleased to announce that MultiSUITE is shipping its structural Steel and Concrete solutions for AutoCAD® 2025. The latest version of MultiSUITE can be downloaded free of charge for all maintained users.

New to AutoCAD LT® 2024 and 2025

AutoCAD LT 2024 and 2025 now allow you to APPLOAD AutoLISP® programs to streamline your workflows through automation.

Leverage thousands of previously written programs created for use in AutoCAD-based programs.


MultiSUITE shipping on ZWCAD 2025

We are pleased to announce that MultiSUITE is shipping its structural Steel and Concrete solutions for ZWCAD 2025. The latest version of MultiSUITE for ZWCAD can be downloaded free of charge for all maintained users.

ZWCAD is cost-effective, .dwg file format compatible CAD package with over 800,000 customers around the world.


MultiSUITE Cloud Lock software copy protection

The MultiSUITE Cloud Lock software copy protection is now the preferred licensing method.

Your Lock number is saved in the cloud, and you can activate your software from any computer.

This also means you no longer need to attach a physical USB lock to the back of your computer. This gives you the flexibility to use the software on multiple network installations at work or at home.

Request a Cloud Lock to activate software

MultiSUITE 'Pay as you go' Subscription is now available

With the 'Pay as you go' subscription you pay to use the software for a specified duration.

Includes Software Subscription
Includes Software Upgrades


MultiSUITE shipping on BricsCAD 2024

BricsCAD is a powerful CAD software platform that unifies the familiar feature set of native dwg with advanced 2D and 3D tools at a compelling price.

We are pleased to announce that MultiSUITE is now shipping on BricsCAD 2013 to 2024.


MultiSUITE supports Windows 11

After recent changes to all installation programs and copy protection device drivers we are now pleased to report that MultiSUITE passes the Microsoft Windows 11 compliance tests.

Note: MultiSUITE CAD 2011 (legacy AutoCAD OEM) is not supported on Windows 10 or Windows 11

MultiSUITE shipping on GstarCAD 2024

GstarCAD software is dedicated to providing the fast, powerful and .dwg compatible CAD software for customers and partners worldwide.

We are pleased to announce that MultiSUITE is now shipping on GstarCAD 2013 to 2024.


MultiSUITE Ribbons

With a trend towards ribbons in Microsoft Windows/Office® and AutoCAD®, we are pleased to announce that all MultiSUITE products can now support this user interface if you require. The MMERGE and MMENU commands display the option to use 'Ribbons' or Toolbars (Classic). Light and Dark colored buttons are also fully supported.


Professional Member of the Autodesk Developer Network

MultiSUITE Software products have been developed under the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN). With the ever increasing complexity of product development and integration we have recently joined the elite 'Professional' Developer Network. This greatly improves our direct access to the Autodesk developers and support group and demonstrates our continued commitment to Autodesk technology.

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MultiSUITE News Letter

Welcome to the latest issue of MultiSUITE News - My aim is to bring you current news about MultiSUITE and our products, our customers and the construction industry on a regular basis. Melissa Stokes, Editor

Click here to subscribe to MultiSUITE News Letter

MultiSUITE Software wins gold in Rio

MultiSUITE was the software of choice for over forty Greek and English consulting engineers involved with the Athens and London Olympic Games. We look forward to sharing our experience and expertise with all those involved in the construction of the facilities for the Rio Olympic Games.

New 64bit USB Hardware locks are now available

We are pleased to announce that the MultiSUITE hardware lock are now available as a 64bit USB compatible device.


World-wide Sales up by 7% in the last year

We are pleased to report that due to restructuring of our world-wide distribution network that overall new sales are up by 7% in the year of trading.

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Network Manager reduces management time

A new version of MultiSUITE Network Licence Manager has been released that allows improved performance running from a central server. Adding local computers to run the MultiSUITE takes a matter of minutes to set-up and ensures that you are getting the most out of your licensed copies. Having the software installed only once greatly reduces the time taken to update the software and means that all users are reading from the same configuration and customized library files.

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Are you running the latest version of MultiSUITE

Did you know that you can download an upgrade for your existing MultiSUITE installation within minutes. Ensure you are getting the most out of your software by keeping up-to-date with all the latest developments and product enhancements.


New Help pages

The latest on-screen help pages have been improved using the latest windows based knowledge base and dynamic control help system. The advanced help authoring software that has enabled our development and support staff to greatly improve the navigation of the help system. Search, Frequently Asked Questions and Tips sections have been added. The latest version of the help files can be downloaded free of charge for all maintained users.


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